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Bible & Dogma courses |
The teaching courses for the Bible & Dogma (Arabic) will start next month God willing.
The Bible course will be every Tuesday from 7:00pm to 8:00pm starting from 3/6/2012.
The Dogma course will be every Thursday from 7:00pm to 8:00pm starting from 3/8/2012.
We will start by the book of Psalms for the Bible course and the teaching of the Eucharist for the Dogma course.
You can register for the Bible course only or the Dogma course only or both of them. The cost for each course is $30.
Please send a check payable to St. Philopateer Coptic Orthodox Church to the following address or have it with you on the first day of the course.
1450 E. Campbell Rd.
Richardson, Texas 75081
Last day for registration will be on 2/26/2012
All the details about the courses are on the following document.
Bible & Dogma courses
You can register by filling the below form and submit it or in St. Philopateer church.